"Ye shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in your personal selves; and ye shall certainly hear much that will grieve you, from those who recieved the Book before you and from those who worship many gods. But if ye persevere patiently, and guard against evil- then that will be a determining factor in all affairs." Quran Al-Imran 3:186
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Hijab poem
You look at me and call me oppressed
Simply because of the way I'm dressed
You know me not for what's inside
You judge the clothing I wear with pride
My body's not for your eyes to hold
You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mold
I'm an individual, I'm no man's slave
It's God's pleasure that I only crave
I have a voice so I will be heard
For in my heart I carry His word
Man doesn't tell me to dress this way
It's a Law from God that I obey
Oppressed is something I'm truly NOT
For liberation is what I've got
It was given to me many years ago
With the right to prosper, the right to grow
I can climb mountains or cross the seas
Expand my mind in all degrees
For God Himself gave us LIBERTY
When He sent Islam
To You and Me!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Jesus: following his teaching
Lots of people think muslims don't believe in Jesus, peace be upon him. This is very wrong. Islam teaches that Jesus, pbuh, known in Islam as Isa, was one of the greatest prophets. View this for an explaination of why Jesus can't be the son of God. We call him Isa because this was his real name. Isa as well as all the other prophets spoke aramaic, not latin or english. The letter 'J' is not in the aramaic language, thus the english names Joseph (Yusuf), Joshua (Yusha), and John (Yahia) are incorrect. There is a chapter in the Quran (19) called Maryam (Mary) dedicated to the story of Jesus' mother Mary, her experience, and the birth and miracles of Jesus, pbuh. Jesus is mentioned in the Quran 25 times, while the prophet Muhammad, pbuh, is only mentioned 5 times by name. Muslims hold high esteem and respect for Jesus and his teaching. We believe that Jesus, pbuh, is in Heaven (Jennah) and will return to earth to defeat the anti-christ. Click here for a better understanding of what Islam teaches about Jesus, pbuh.
I'm very curious why it seems people who accept Christianity as the true religion and claim that Jesus, pbuh, is the son of God, aren't following his teachings. I experience first-hand the reactions and actions of people responding to me as a muslimah and I will tell you it's anything but Christian. I'm confused and surprised. Who are we following and obeying? God or the media? God or the government? Where does it say in the Bible and where did Jesus, pbuh, say to treat anyone different badly? Didn't Jesus, pbuh, sit and eat with the tax collectors, who in that time was considered lowest of the low? In Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus, pbuh, answered a question of a Pharisee asking what the greatest commandment is. Jesus, pbuh, answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments." He didn't say love those like you. He said love your neighbors. In Matthew 5:43-48 Jesus says 'You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.'
If you buy into the media messages that Islam and muslims are violent, hateful, harmful people so be it. If you don't find it your responsibility to be educated and have an understanding of Islam, so be it. If you find Islam and muslims the enemy, so be it. However, as Christians it is your duty to obey God. Therefore, you must put your personal feelings aside, and love your neighbors, no matter who they are, even if they're your 'enemies.'
Put yourself in other's places. Would you appreciate being treated differently because of your appearance? Because of your religion? Because of your nationality? America boasts of it's diversity. 'The melting pot.' Suddenly the pot is closed to muslims and I'm challenging you all to question why. I'm also challenging you all to educate yourselves the correct way. To gain knowledge about science, you go to a scientist. To gain knowledge about medicine, you go to a doctor. To gain knowledge about Islam, you go to a muslim, who should lead you to the Quran. If you are secure in your religion and your beliefs, what is the harm in researching Islam? What do you have to lose? Perhaps with genuine education people will know Islam and even if you don't agree or accept it, you will understand it. Fear and ignorance will be replaced with understanding and knowledge. And then it will be easier to love your neighbors.
This is a link for you to explore the teachings of the prophet Muhammad, pbuh (hadiths), the Quran, Bible, articles, and more.
I'm very curious why it seems people who accept Christianity as the true religion and claim that Jesus, pbuh, is the son of God, aren't following his teachings. I experience first-hand the reactions and actions of people responding to me as a muslimah and I will tell you it's anything but Christian. I'm confused and surprised. Who are we following and obeying? God or the media? God or the government? Where does it say in the Bible and where did Jesus, pbuh, say to treat anyone different badly? Didn't Jesus, pbuh, sit and eat with the tax collectors, who in that time was considered lowest of the low? In Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus, pbuh, answered a question of a Pharisee asking what the greatest commandment is. Jesus, pbuh, answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments." He didn't say love those like you. He said love your neighbors. In Matthew 5:43-48 Jesus says 'You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.'
If you buy into the media messages that Islam and muslims are violent, hateful, harmful people so be it. If you don't find it your responsibility to be educated and have an understanding of Islam, so be it. If you find Islam and muslims the enemy, so be it. However, as Christians it is your duty to obey God. Therefore, you must put your personal feelings aside, and love your neighbors, no matter who they are, even if they're your 'enemies.'
Put yourself in other's places. Would you appreciate being treated differently because of your appearance? Because of your religion? Because of your nationality? America boasts of it's diversity. 'The melting pot.' Suddenly the pot is closed to muslims and I'm challenging you all to question why. I'm also challenging you all to educate yourselves the correct way. To gain knowledge about science, you go to a scientist. To gain knowledge about medicine, you go to a doctor. To gain knowledge about Islam, you go to a muslim, who should lead you to the Quran. If you are secure in your religion and your beliefs, what is the harm in researching Islam? What do you have to lose? Perhaps with genuine education people will know Islam and even if you don't agree or accept it, you will understand it. Fear and ignorance will be replaced with understanding and knowledge. And then it will be easier to love your neighbors.
This is a link for you to explore the teachings of the prophet Muhammad, pbuh (hadiths), the Quran, Bible, articles, and more.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Food for Thought
Im going to do something different with this posting. I am going to put different topics and instead of explaining about them I will post links to short videos from scholars and sheikhs that can explain much better than me what Islam teaches about these topics. This is a way for you all to see and hear from the scholars and sheikhs I learn from. I must say though, that I am very careful of who and what I listen to. As in all religions, there are those who are misguided. I am careful to be sure that what is taught follows Allah's commands in the Quran, as well as the true teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Allah willing, you will take some time out to go through these links to better understand the true message of Islam, and not what is in the news. Please remember, if you're seeking knowledge go to the source, which is the Quran.
Living Islam
Proof of Allah
Kaaba & Hajj
Slay the Jews n Christians?
Jesus, peace be upon him
Muhammad, peace be upon him
Men & Women in Islam
Living Islam
Proof of Allah
Kaaba & Hajj
Slay the Jews n Christians?
Jesus, peace be upon him
Muhammad, peace be upon him
Men & Women in Islam
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Ramadan and fasting
The month of Ramadan is coming up which means to all practicing muslims fasting. I want to explain all about this. Ramadan is the nineth month of the Islamic calendar which follows the lunar cycle. Ramadan is very important in the Islamic religion because it is when the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was first revealed verses of the Quran, as well this is the first realization that he was chosen as a prophet to Allah. Before his prophethood, Muhammad, peace be upon him, would often go to Ghar (cave)Heira'a to meditate and praise Allah. It was during one of these stays in the cave that angel Jibrael (as) (Gabriel) appeared before the Prophet, peace be upon him. He grabbed the prophet, pbuh, and said 'read/proclaim.' The prophet (pbuh), being illiterate said 'I can't.' This happened two more times until on the third time Jibrael revealed Sura al-Alaq:
"Proclaim! (Read)In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists),Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood) Proclaim!(Read) And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch) Has taught man that which he knew not Nay! Verily, man does transgress all bounds (in disbelief and evil deed, etc.)Because he considers himself self-sufficient Surely! Unto your Lord is the return Have you (O Muhammad) seen him (i.e. Abu Jahl) who prevents, A slave (Muhammad) when he prays? Tell me, if he (Muhammad) is on the guidance (of Allah)? Or enjoins piety? Tell me if he (the disbeliever, Abu Jahl) denies (the truth, i.e. this Quran), and turns away? Knows he not that Allah does see (what he does)? If he (Abu Jahl) ceases not, We will catch him by the forelock, A lying, sinful forelock! Then, let him call upon his council (of helpers), We will call the guards of Hell (to deal with him)! Nay! (O Muhammad) Do not obey him (Abu Jahl). Fall prostrate and draw near to Allah! Quran 96: 1-19
Upon experiencing this, Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, ran home to his wife Khadejah (ra) who assured him he wasn't going crazy. She took him to her uncle who was very religious. He also assured Muhammad, pbuh, that he wasn't going crazy, but that he had been chosen as a prophet of God.
One of the 5 pillars of Islam which I have mentioned before, is sawm, or fasting. Muslims not only fast during the month of Ramadan. It's encouraged to fast every Monday and Thursday following the example of the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh. It is obligatory, however, for muslims to fast during Ramadan. Allah said in the Quran "Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as guidance and clarification to humankind, and a distinction between right and wrong. So, whoever from among you witnesses the month should fast it." Sura Al-Baqara 2: 185 He also says "O you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)" Sura Al-Baqara 2:183 Here are some reasons and benefits of fasting:
-Fasting makes us appreciate and give thanks for pleasures. Fasting means giving up eating, drinking and intercourse, which are among the greatest pleasures. Like the saying goes, 'you don't know what you've got till it's gone.' After refraining from Allah's blessings of food, drink, and intercourse, you become aware of them, so this motivates you to be grateful for them.
-Fasting is a means of giving up haram (forbiden/bad) things, because if a person can give up halal (accepted/good) things in order to please Allah and for fear of His punishment, then he will be more likely to refrain from the bad things. So fasting is a means of avoiding the things that Allah has forbidden. (i.e. smoking, drinking, swearing, lying, cheating, etc.)
-Fasting enables us to control our desires, because when a person is full his desires grow, but if he is hungry then his desire becomes weak. The Prophet (pbuh) said: 'O young men! Whoever among you can afford to get married, let him do so, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and protecting one's chastity. Whoever cannot do that, let him fast, for it will be a shield for him.'
-Fasting makes us feel compassion and empathy towards the poor, because when we taste the pain of hunger for a while, we remember those who are in this situation all the time. Then we are motivated to do acts of kindness to them and show compassion towards them.
-Fasting humiliates and weakens the Shaytan; it weakens the effects of his whispers on a person and reduces that person's sins. That is because the Shaytan 'flows through the son of Adam like blood' as the Prophet (pbuh) said, but fasting narrows the passages through which the Shaytan flows, so his influence grows less.
-Fasting increases the knowledge that Allah is always watching. We give up the things that we desire even though we're able to take them, because we know Allah is a constant witness to all our actions.
-Fasting means developing an attitude of asceticism towards this world and its desires, and seeking that which is with Allah.
-It makes the Muslim get used to doing a great deal of acts of worship, because the fasting person usually does more acts of worship and gets used to that.
When fasting we do not eat or drink during daylight hours from dawn until dusk. We also refrain from sexual activities, and from all forms of lying such as gossiping. Those exempt from fasting are people who are very sick, pregnant or nursing (this is up to each individual woman though, and I know several women who have fasted while pregnant and while nursing), insane, old, traveling, or in war. Women who are menstrating are forbiden to fast. Those who need to make up the days they missed fasting are those who were sick, pregnant, nursing, traveling, or in war. Those unable to fast at all because of old age or a prolonged illness or disease are called to feed the poor for each day missed.
In order for your fast to be accepted, you must have true intentions in your heart before you begin. The Prophet (pbuh) said, 'Whoever does not intend to fast before Fajr will have no fast.'
Fasting begins with a light meal known as suhur, which is eaten just before the break of dawn. The Prophet (pbuh) encouraged his followers to take this meal, even if it is only a drink of water. 'Take suhur for surely there is barakah (blessing) in it.' When the athan of Fajr is sounded, this signals the beginning of the fast and one should not begin to eat anything at this point. If one has in his hand food or drink when the athan is called, he should finish eating what he wants from it before putting it down. The Prophet (pbuh) said, 'If one of you hears the athan and a vessel remains in his hand, he should not put it down until he has had what he desires from it.'
Breaking the fast is done right away at the time of Maghrib (setting of the sun.) The Prophet (pbuh) said, 'People will remain happy and prosperous as long as they hasten to break the fast.' It's recommended that the fast be broken with dates and water if available. Iftar, (breaking fast) has become a big meal served after the maghrib prayer. Lots of muslims join together in masjed to eat, or families will gather to share food and reflect the blessings Allah has provided them.
After the month of Ramadan, is a celebration called Eid al-Fitr which takes place on the first day of the following month. A quantity of staple food (usually rice, beans, or meat) is donated to the poor (Zakat al-Fitr), everyone has put on their best, preferably new clothes, and communal prayers are held in the early morning, followed by big meals and visiting relatives and friends. (Think Christmas with the entire neighborhood in attendance.)
There is TONS more information about Ramadan. I just tried to give a quick overview. Click here to read more about it and fasting. Please visit this link to get more details on Eid al-Fitr which is celebrated after Ramadan.
Friday, June 25, 2010
hijab- oppression or freedom?
The topic of hijab, or headscarf, is a big one. Many non-Muslims have the idea that women are forced to wear it by their husbands or fathers or some domineering male in their life. They view the hijab as a sign of oppression. First, let me ask you this. Do you see the habit, worn by nuns in the Catholic religion, as oppressive? Or what about women of other religions such as menonites, and amish? They too have head coverings. For some reason, these women are looked upon with respect for their dedication to their religion. Muslimahs are either looked upon with pity, or scorned for being 'extremists.' Why is it that any other religion is accepted
and tolerated to have women cover their hair, yet not acceptable for Islam's women?
Before explaining why we cover... I have to explain that as Muslimahs we aren't called just to cover our hair, but our bodies as well. Our clothes must be loose, covering all but our face and hands (although it is considered best to cover them as well) not bright colors which attract attention. We shouldn't wear makeup, jewelry, or perfume in public because this beautifies and attracts attention. It shouldn't be see-through. Men also have guidlines for their clothing. It should cover the area between the naval and the knee, be loose, not see-through, not silk, and not showy. Men also aren't permitted to wear gold, and must grow their beard.
The reason muslimahs wear the hijab and cover, is because Allah has ordered us to do so in the Quran. "O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men). That is better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed..." Quran 33:59
Allah decreed this for us so that we as women are valued for what is on the inside (our thoughts and our character) and not judged by our body. We all know the saying 'if you got it, flaunt it.' When you think about it, that's a very disturbing way of thinking, yet it's accepted, and practiced by many women. How sad that women feel the need to suceed in all aspects of life by their body image. Dressing up, wearing make-up, jewelry, tight clothes that show off one's best assets... this is all done everyday. Society is teaching men it's acceptable to look at a woman's body, to judge her based on her shape first. Where's the respect? "In our society, women are subtly encouraged to pay attention to superficial concerns- looks, appearance, physical attractiveness- and the vanity and narcissism that accompany them. While many people are obsessed with outward appearances, the covered woman is taught by Islam to cultivate a beuty that is far more than skin deep - that of her character, manners and morals. Thus, she is liberated from wasting her time and energy on achieving outward beauty, knowing that it's what is in her heart that will make her truly beautiful." 'From My Sisters' Lips' by Na'ima Roberts pg. 126
"How could I have any self-respect if I found myself, once again, batting my eyelashes or deliberately choosing to wear a pair of trousers becasue they made me look absolutely ravishing? Indeed, I remember thinking to myself, You've grown to rely on your looks in this way for so long- how much respect do you really have for yourself? I had long thought the practice of judging women according to their measurements totally unacceptable (which is why I was dead against beauty contests!) but hadn't we, in our own way, been part of such a system? Beautiful women the world over have an unfair advantage and an easy ticket to social success... The first effect that the hijab seemed to have on us was to encourage modesty- in dress and in conduct. After a lifetime spent showing off our clothes and our bodies, we suddenly felt shy to flaunt ourselves in public. The hijab reminded us of the standards of behaviour that were expected of us as Muslim women. When it came to the opposite sex we no longer felt comfortable having conversations that were too personal or familiar and the hijab made flirting a definite no-no." 'From My Sisters' Lips' pgs. 110 & 111
There are regulations for both genders. Being modest is not just for women. In the Quran, Allah says "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers (father-in-law) their sons, their husbands' sons (step-sons) their brothers or their brothers' sons (nephews) or their sisters sons or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex..."Quran 24:31-32
In this way both genders are held responsible and it's their duty to be sure to maintain high standards of purity, shyness and modesty.
Here is a statement from a sister in the UK; "Sometimes I watch a guy walk past a girl and he'll turn back and look at her legs or her chest and I just think, I would hate that to happen to me. It doesn't appeal to me, it's not flattering. I can't understand how that can make a woman happy. To me, it's nicer when a Muslim brother passes by me and looks down. To me, that is more respectful than someone whistling at my legs."
As I've mentioned in my previous blog, women in Islam are held in high esteem, deeply respected, and greatly appreciated. Allah has called for women to increase this respect by respecting themselves and the bodies He gave them.
Our beauty is something special. By keeping it guarded and hidden, we elevate the significance of our relationships with those close to us, especialy our husbands. Think about it. Isn't it backwards that we dress up for strangers at work, or the grocery store, or the restaraunt, yet the second we get home we're quick to wash the make-up off, and change into the most comfortable pair of sweatpants and old, oversized, tshirt? What message is being sent to the man of your life? That the looks and glances of strangers is more important than his? Islam protects unwanted attention from strangers and strengthens marriages through public modesty.
Freedom is defined as "the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint; exemption from external control, interference, regulation; the absence of or release from ties, obligations." Muslimahs are free from the demands of physical perfection called by society. Our importance and relevance in our environment is based on the truly import... our intelligence and character. Our desire to obey and please God exceeds the need to fit in or blend in with what society has ruled as acceptable. In this way, we are free. I hope the next time you see a Muslimah, or any religious woman covering and being modest, you smile and it makes you happy to know that there is someone who is dedicated to pleasing her Lord over the people of the earth.
and tolerated to have women cover their hair, yet not acceptable for Islam's women?
Before explaining why we cover... I have to explain that as Muslimahs we aren't called just to cover our hair, but our bodies as well. Our clothes must be loose, covering all but our face and hands (although it is considered best to cover them as well) not bright colors which attract attention. We shouldn't wear makeup, jewelry, or perfume in public because this beautifies and attracts attention. It shouldn't be see-through. Men also have guidlines for their clothing. It should cover the area between the naval and the knee, be loose, not see-through, not silk, and not showy. Men also aren't permitted to wear gold, and must grow their beard.
The reason muslimahs wear the hijab and cover, is because Allah has ordered us to do so in the Quran. "O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men). That is better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed..." Quran 33:59
Allah decreed this for us so that we as women are valued for what is on the inside (our thoughts and our character) and not judged by our body. We all know the saying 'if you got it, flaunt it.' When you think about it, that's a very disturbing way of thinking, yet it's accepted, and practiced by many women. How sad that women feel the need to suceed in all aspects of life by their body image. Dressing up, wearing make-up, jewelry, tight clothes that show off one's best assets... this is all done everyday. Society is teaching men it's acceptable to look at a woman's body, to judge her based on her shape first. Where's the respect? "In our society, women are subtly encouraged to pay attention to superficial concerns- looks, appearance, physical attractiveness- and the vanity and narcissism that accompany them. While many people are obsessed with outward appearances, the covered woman is taught by Islam to cultivate a beuty that is far more than skin deep - that of her character, manners and morals. Thus, she is liberated from wasting her time and energy on achieving outward beauty, knowing that it's what is in her heart that will make her truly beautiful." 'From My Sisters' Lips' by Na'ima Roberts pg. 126
"How could I have any self-respect if I found myself, once again, batting my eyelashes or deliberately choosing to wear a pair of trousers becasue they made me look absolutely ravishing? Indeed, I remember thinking to myself, You've grown to rely on your looks in this way for so long- how much respect do you really have for yourself? I had long thought the practice of judging women according to their measurements totally unacceptable (which is why I was dead against beauty contests!) but hadn't we, in our own way, been part of such a system? Beautiful women the world over have an unfair advantage and an easy ticket to social success... The first effect that the hijab seemed to have on us was to encourage modesty- in dress and in conduct. After a lifetime spent showing off our clothes and our bodies, we suddenly felt shy to flaunt ourselves in public. The hijab reminded us of the standards of behaviour that were expected of us as Muslim women. When it came to the opposite sex we no longer felt comfortable having conversations that were too personal or familiar and the hijab made flirting a definite no-no." 'From My Sisters' Lips' pgs. 110 & 111
There are regulations for both genders. Being modest is not just for women. In the Quran, Allah says "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers (father-in-law) their sons, their husbands' sons (step-sons) their brothers or their brothers' sons (nephews) or their sisters sons or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex..."Quran 24:31-32
In this way both genders are held responsible and it's their duty to be sure to maintain high standards of purity, shyness and modesty.
Here is a statement from a sister in the UK; "Sometimes I watch a guy walk past a girl and he'll turn back and look at her legs or her chest and I just think, I would hate that to happen to me. It doesn't appeal to me, it's not flattering. I can't understand how that can make a woman happy. To me, it's nicer when a Muslim brother passes by me and looks down. To me, that is more respectful than someone whistling at my legs."
As I've mentioned in my previous blog, women in Islam are held in high esteem, deeply respected, and greatly appreciated. Allah has called for women to increase this respect by respecting themselves and the bodies He gave them.
Our beauty is something special. By keeping it guarded and hidden, we elevate the significance of our relationships with those close to us, especialy our husbands. Think about it. Isn't it backwards that we dress up for strangers at work, or the grocery store, or the restaraunt, yet the second we get home we're quick to wash the make-up off, and change into the most comfortable pair of sweatpants and old, oversized, tshirt? What message is being sent to the man of your life? That the looks and glances of strangers is more important than his? Islam protects unwanted attention from strangers and strengthens marriages through public modesty.
Freedom is defined as "the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint; exemption from external control, interference, regulation; the absence of or release from ties, obligations." Muslimahs are free from the demands of physical perfection called by society. Our importance and relevance in our environment is based on the truly import... our intelligence and character. Our desire to obey and please God exceeds the need to fit in or blend in with what society has ruled as acceptable. In this way, we are free. I hope the next time you see a Muslimah, or any religious woman covering and being modest, you smile and it makes you happy to know that there is someone who is dedicated to pleasing her Lord over the people of the earth.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Conversion for men?

I'm not sure why, but there seems to be an assumption that a woman who wasn't raised in Islam has converted because of a man. The underlying implication is that she is doing it for the man, and not for God. To me, this is insulting. A woman isn't smart enough to make decisions that affect her entire life on her own? And I'm not just speaking of her life here on earth, but her eternal life after death. She needs a man for guidance and purpose? I want everyone to understand and think logicaly about this. First of all, Islam isn't just a 'lip service' religion. What I mean by that is, true muslims that are sincere in their worship and are dedicated to their religion can't just say 'I'm a muslim' yet live their everyday life the same as non-muslims. Islam is a complete and total way of life. We pray 5 times a day at all hours. Tell me, if someone were only in a religion because of another human, do you think it would be possible for them to wake up before dawn everyday to pray? Don't you think that would get old and the novelty would wear off after a while? What about fasting? Do you think it possible for someone to fast for an entire month (during daylight hours, which can be up to 15-16 hours depending on the season) for another human being? Second of all, so what if a woman was introduced to Islam by a man? That doesn't mean she is in love with him or is going to marry him, or is following the religion for him.
As of 2004 there was about 1.2 billion muslims on the earth, with 3-5 million of them from the U.S. (There are about 1.9 billion Christians on the earth.) Unfortunately, it's hard to get an accurate statistic of exactly how many are converts and how many are women. Some statistics say that for every 1 man that converts 4 women convert. If the majority of women were converting for the purpose of a man, think of all the muslim men there would have to be in the world. This isn't the case, as the population of women outnumber the men, some statistics say as high as 8:1. Watch this to see one Christian group's opinion on how Islam is rapidly spreading across the world.
What draws women to Islam isn't the love of a man. It's the love of their Lord. The truth of the religion. The beauty and reality of worshiping and serving the One and Only God. The peace in living out our purpose on earth, which is to worship and obey Allah, in order to gain entrance into Jennah (heaven) for eternity.
And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger – those will be with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favor of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions. Quran 4:69
These are the limits [set by] Allah, and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be admitted by Him to gardens [in Paradise] under which rivers flow, abiding eternally therein; and that is the great attainment. Quran 4:13
Monday, June 7, 2010
Women in Islam
One of the biggest issues in Islam that is HUGELY misunderstood is the role of women. I will do my best not to make this too long as there are tons and tons of examples of how women are to be treated.
First of all, I feel I need to say this: yes, there are examples of women being mistreated in 'Islam.' I used it in quotes because unfortunately, its hard for people who aren't muslims to know the difference between cultural customs, and true Islamic religious practices. There is sometimes a fine line between what is the religion and what has been passed down over generations as traditions of culture. The only way to know for sure is to read the Quran, study the hadiths (teachings) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and to know the religion. We've all heard the horror stories of women being abused, mistreated, and experiencing horrific ordeals in their life. I am sorry for these sisters of mine, and pray for peace and justice in their life. But PLEASE be assured that any practices or anything done to harm, abuse, or mistreat a woman IS NOT ISLAM. I need to say that again... any practices or anything done to harm, abuse, or mistreat a woman IS NOT ISLAM. Unfortunately there are misguided men out there who aren't strong in their deen (religion) and only claim to be muslims because this is the religion of their families. It's like any religion... you have those who truly practice and follow the teachings, and live it... and you have those who claim it but don't live it.
That being said Islam often refers to women as Diamonds of the Deen (religion) or Diamonds/Jewels of Islam. We are to be treated equaly and to be given our rights. There are no forced marriages in ISLAM. (Notice I said Islam, unfortunately there are forced marriages in the world, I'm not denying it. BUT it is NOT Islamic!!) At the time of the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) it was customary to kill newborn daughters and Islam ended this. There are soooo many ayats (verses) in the Quran about women. Here are just a few:
"O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should you treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the dowry you have given them - except when they have become guilty of open lewdness. On the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them, it may be that you dislike something and Allah will bring about through it a great deal of good." Quran 4:19
"Women have the same rights (in relation to their husbands) as are expected in all decency from them, while men stand a step above them." Quran 2:228 (Men stand a step above them refers to the economic duties a husband has to his wife in Islam. He is to work and provide for her a house, food, clothing, all her needs. In Islam, a man is to share his money, but a women's money is her own to do with as she wishes. Her husband has no claim to her money. This also refers to the protection a husband is responsible for toward his wife.)
"Dwell with your wives in kindness for even if you hate them, you might be hating someone in whom Allah has placed so much good." Quran 4:19
"The believers, men and women, are protectors, one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil, they observe regular prayers, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise"Quran 9:71 This is proof that a marriage is to be a partnership with Islam (the obedience of Allah) in the center of the marriage.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also had many teachings and hadiths reguarding women in Islam. Here are a few:
The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and best of you are those who are best to their wives. [Ibn-Hanbal, No. 7396]
A man came to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) asking:
O Messenger of God, who among the people is the most worthy of my good company? The Prophet (pbuh) said, Your mother. The man said then who else: The Prophet (pbuh) said, Your mother. The man asked, Then who else? The Prophet (pbuh) said, Your mother. The man asked, Then who else? Only then did the Prophet (pbuh) say, Your father. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
A famous saying of the Prophet (pbuh) is: "Paradise is at the feet of mothers." [In An-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, Ahmad]

As you can see, Islam holds women in high reguard. Wives, mothers, and daughters are to be cared for, protected, cherished, loved and valued. Woman are encouraged to be as educated as they desire. Attending schools, universities, etc. are highly encouraged. Working is optional. If the woman enjoys working, then of course she can. The stereotype of the domineering husband who locks his wife in the house making her a Cinderella-type servant is not acceptable or accurate in ISLAM. Consider this example of the diamond/jewel of Islam. Anyone owning a precious gem is careful with it. Keeping it guarded, and safe from scratches and chips. It gets polished, admired and well cared for. Please click here to see many more examples of women in Islam.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Who is ALLAH & What is Islam

Who is ALLAH and what is Islam? Islam is several things and the topic is very huge and very vast. I am only going to define the word, and in more to come I will explain different topics in Islam such as prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), praying, women in Islam, etc. Before I define Islam I must explain who is Allah. Allah is arabic for God. However, it is unique and cannot be used to refer to anyone but the ONE and ONLY God. Unlike the word god which can be pluralized (gods) or can have gender assigned (god= male/ goddess=female) the word Allah cannot be changed like this. Is Allah different from God mentioned in the Bible? NO. Muslims belive in the same God in the Bible. The same God as Adam, Abraham, Lot, Noah, Moses, David, Jesus, and all the other prophets. In any Bible written in Arabic, you will find the name Allah, not God. All Christians who speak Arabic say Allah, not God. Please visit this site to get a better explaination of who Allah is.
Islam is both a verb and a noun. As a verb Islam is five things:
1. surrender
2. submission
3. obey
4. sincerity
5. peace
As Muslims, we surrender our lives to Allah and submit to His Will. We obey His commands. We must be very careful to always be sincere and pure in our intentions. It's very dangerous to do anything for other than the sake of Allah. Peace (Salam in arabic) in your heart and your life is an action saught after. It is accomplished only after you have surrendered, submitted, and are obeying Allah with a pure, sincere heart.
As a noun, Islam is the six beliefs, the five practices (actions), a complete way of life, and moderation. I will very briefly describe these, then go into more details at future times. The six beliefs of Muslims are:
1. Allah- Allah is ONE, Unique, Perfect
2. Angels- Made from light, follow Allah's Will perfectly (shayton/ Iblis is NOT a fallen angel in Islam) 3. Books- Torah (first 5 chapters of Old Testament), Suhoof (scriptures revealed to Abraham and Moses), Zabur (Psalms revealed to David) Enjil (Evangel or first 4 chapters of New Testament), Quran (recitation to Muhammad, peace be upon him)
4. Prophets- Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Moses, Jonah, David, Jesus, Muhammad, and others mentioned in the Books, peace be upon them all
5. Resurrection- everyone, belivers and nonbelievers, will be brought back to life on Judgement Day to answer to Allah
6. Predestination/ Divine Destiny- Allah has total control of all things, good and bad, and only He has full knowledge of it
Five actions that Muslims must practice:
1. shahada- to declare that Allah is ONE and Muhammad, peace be upon him, is His last messenger
2. 5 daily salat- specific form of worship often called prayer where we stand, bow and prostrate to Allah (the shahada is said twice during each prayer)
3. fast Ramadan- the month of Ramadan is special because this is when it was revealed to the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, through angel Gabreal, the first verses of the Quran. We do not eat or drink during daylight hours for the entire month
4. zakat (alms tax/charity)- 2 1/2% of your annual excess wealth which is to be donated to the poor and needy
5. hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life if it's physicaly and financially possible
Islam is a complete way of life. Muslims surrender their entire life to Allah. He created us, and when we die, we return to Him. The life here on earth is a brief stay, a visit, a test. Eternity in Jennah (Heaven) is what we seek, so we strive to obey and please Allah to gain Jennah. In doing so, every aspect of our life is centered around Allah and His Will. "Islam is careful to remind us that it's not a religion to be paid mere lip service; rather it is an all-encompassing way of life that must be practiced continuously for it to be Islam."- Sheikh Yusuf Estes
Islam stresses balance. 'All things in moderation' is a famous saying. Allah calls us in the Quran the 'balanced nation.' We are careful not to be extreme to the right or the left, but to be in the middle path. Please visit here to see more details of what I've mentioned above.
I will close with the shahada which is the statement that we say when we first accept Islam as our religion. It is also said during our daily prayers. written in transliteration (arabic pronunciation) and verses from the Quran. Allah Willing, this has helped answer questions, and increased your understanding of Islam. Shahada: 'Ashadu ana la illahi illa Allah wa ashadu ana Muhammad abduhu wa rasulluh'= I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger.
"...This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and chosen Islam as your religion..." Sura 5 Al-Maida Ayat 3
"When it is said to them 'Come to what Allah hath revealed; come to the Apostle' they say:'enough for us are the ways we found our fathers following.' What! even though their fathers were void of knowledge and guidance?(104 O ye who believe! Guard your own soul: if ye follow (right) guidance, no hurt can come to you from those who stray. The goal of you all is to Allah: it is He that will show you the truth of all that ye do(105 Sura 5 Al-Maida Ayat 104 & 105
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Why Islam?

A very popular question I get from everyone when they hear I've converted to Islam is always 'why?' most often followed at some point in the conversation by 'but you weren't raised in Islam.' Let me explain something and make it very clear. I am grateful to my parents for raising me in the church, instilling in me the love of God. I am appreciative and thankful they taught me of God and His teachings. I do not ever want anyone to think for one second I regret being raised a Christian. That being said, so what I wasn't raised in Islam? You're telling me that no matter what, everyone should practice the religion they were raised in? In other words, if a person came to you and said 'I was raised a Buhdist but I would like to convert to Christianity' you would tell them 'Nope, sorry, can't do it, gotta stay with what you were raised on.' And what about those who were raised with no religious teachings? They are meant to live a Godless existence? Why, when the religion being accepted is Christianity it's ok, but when the religion being accepted is Islam it's bad, wrong, and even disappointing? Let me remind you of someone. Abraham. He turned his back on the religion his forfathers had been practicing for years (idol worshiping) because he saw and knew in his heart it was wrong. And what did they tell him? The exact same thing. You may not agree, you may not understand, but please don't try to convince me that because I was raised a certain way I should stick with it. God Willing, I will never disobey God in order to please people, no matter who it is. The bottom line is that God is most important over all people, and all things. If we don't please Him, then what are we left with? The traditions, practices and habits of my family can't get me into Heaven. Only God can get me there, so you better believe I am going to obey Him above all else!

'Why Islam?' Islam is the truth, has proof and explanations in the Quran for scientific events, and has an answer and explanation behind all it's teachings and practices. Muslims aren't called to follow, practice or believe on blind faith. In the Quran, Allah is always specific in why He calls us to do and behave certain ways. I will go into more detail in future blogs about Islam. For now I'll just explain how I came to know Islam.
For quite a long time I was curious about the teachings of Jesus. The biggest being why, if he was god, sinless, did he beg and pleade to be relieved of the duty of being sacrificed on the cross? If he were god, he would understand, see the bigger picture, not feel the natural human feelings associated such a major and tramatic event... being killed. Even more puzzling to me was why God would even need to beget a son, or send part of Himself to live on earth as a humanized god. He is All Powerful among a million other attributes. There is no need for this at all. Logicaly, it doesn't make sense. Anyway, there was a personal event that happened in my life that really made me question this even more than usual.
Then, I made a friend whom I later learned was Muslim. I knew nothing of the religion, but was given a link to read the Quran. I had been reading into other religions. I didn't agree with any of them because of one major issue... there was always someone else besides God being worshipped. So as I always did before reading and learning of a new religion, I prayed, asking God to keep me from being misled. I read the first surah (chapter). This is what is says '1)In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 2)Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds 3)Most Gracious Most Merciful 4)Master of the day of Judgement 5)Thee do we worship and Thine Aid do we seek 6)Show us the straight way 7)the way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy grace, those whose portion is not wrath, and who go not astray.' Quran Surah Al-Fatiha Interesting. I pretty much just prayed the same thing just before reading. I had an idea that Allah was God, and liked that there was no mention of anyone except God. So far so good, so I kept reading, and reading, and reading. The more I read over the next few weeks I liked what I was reading. Prophets that I knew of were being mentioned, such as Moses, Abraham, and even Jesus. That was surprising to me, so I began looking into it more and more, asking questions. BUT I was very careful where I went and what I was reading. I know as in all religions there are those who are misled, misguided, and I didn't want that at all. I beleive because I was in search of the truth, and because I was always asking God to keep me guided, I found all the right people, and all the right information to show me the true Islam. Praise God! As I said, I will be more specific in next blogs about Islam, but for now I will say the more I read the Quran the more I knew Islam to be the truth. The word Islam means striving or seeking peace through the total and complete submission to the ONE and ONLY God. How can a religion who's meaning is 'total and complete submission to the one and only God' be anything but right?
Let me close with these two scripture passages, one from the Bible, the other from the Quran. To be fair, I will type both out although I know most if not all of you have Bibles and can read the passeges from it. Mark 12: 28-35 "One of the teachers of religious law was standing there listening to the discussion. He realized that Jesus had answered well, so he asked, 'Of all the commandments, which is the most important?' Jesus answered, 'the most important commandment is this: 'Hear O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength' The second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself' No other commandment is greater than these.' The teacher of religious law replied, 'Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth by saying that theres is only one God and no other. And I know it is important to love Him with all my heart and all my understanding and all my strngth, and to love my neighbors as myself. This is more imporatnt than to offer all of the burnt offereings and sacrifices required in the law.' Realizing this man's understanding, Jesus said to him, 'You are not far from the Kingdon of God.' And after that, no one dared to ask him any more questions.' Please note! Jesus didn't say I am God, bow to me, worship me. He said in his very own words the most important commandment is 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD...' "I have come to you to attest the Law which was before me. To make lawful to you part of what was (before) forbidden to you; I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord. So fear Allah and obey me. It is Allah who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is the Way that is straight." Quran Surah 3 Al-Imran Ayah 50&51
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