I'm not sure why, but there seems to be an assumption that a woman who wasn't raised in Islam has converted because of a man. The underlying implication is that she is doing it for the man, and not for God. To me, this is insulting. A woman isn't smart enough to make decisions that affect her entire life on her own? And I'm not just speaking of her life here on earth, but her eternal life after death. She needs a man for guidance and purpose? I want everyone to understand and think logicaly about this. First of all, Islam isn't just a 'lip service' religion. What I mean by that is, true muslims that are sincere in their worship and are dedicated to their religion can't just say 'I'm a muslim' yet live their everyday life the same as non-muslims. Islam is a complete and total way of life. We pray 5 times a day at all hours. Tell me, if someone were only in a religion because of another human, do you think it would be possible for them to wake up before dawn everyday to pray? Don't you think that would get old and the novelty would wear off after a while? What about fasting? Do you think it possible for someone to fast for an entire month (during daylight hours, which can be up to 15-16 hours depending on the season) for another human being? Second of all, so what if a woman was introduced to Islam by a man? That doesn't mean she is in love with him or is going to marry him, or is following the religion for him.
As of 2004 there was about 1.2 billion muslims on the earth, with 3-5 million of them from the U.S. (There are about 1.9 billion Christians on the earth.) Unfortunately, it's hard to get an accurate statistic of exactly how many are converts and how many are women. Some statistics say that for every 1 man that converts 4 women convert. If the majority of women were converting for the purpose of a man, think of all the muslim men there would have to be in the world. This isn't the case, as the population of women outnumber the men, some statistics say as high as 8:1. Watch this to see one Christian group's opinion on how Islam is rapidly spreading across the world.
What draws women to Islam isn't the love of a man. It's the love of their Lord. The truth of the religion. The beauty and reality of worshiping and serving the One and Only God. The peace in living out our purpose on earth, which is to worship and obey Allah, in order to gain entrance into Jennah (heaven) for eternity.
And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger – those will be with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favor of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions. Quran 4:69
These are the limits [set by] Allah, and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be admitted by Him to gardens [in Paradise] under which rivers flow, abiding eternally therein; and that is the great attainment. Quran 4:13
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